

The Burnout Risk Test is an anonymous quiz with 50 True/False questions. It takes about 15 minutes. At the end of the test, you’ll receive a score and specific tips for reducing the risk of burnout in your organization.


Category: Empathy and Urgency

Your organization’s work focuses on social problems.

e.g., environmental decline, poverty, racism, violence.

Category: Empathy and Urgency

Your staff spend a significant amount of time providing direct caregiving or support services.

Caregiving work includes nursing, social work, counselling, etc. Wherever you see “staff” in this quiz, the word includes contractors, interns, co-op students, managers, and other members of the team.

Category: Empathy and Urgency

Staff receive training to help them manage the emotional stress of their work.

When emotional burdens overwhelm caregivers, it is often called “empathy fatigue” or “compassion fatigue”.

Category: Empathy and Urgency

Your organization has established protocols for monitoring the emotional and mental well-being of staff in high-risk roles.

Category: Empathy and Urgency

Your organization’s external messages often focus on the urgency of a situation or crisis.

Category: Empathy and Urgency

Your organization’s internal messages often focus on the urgency of a situation or crisis.

Category: Empathy and Urgency

Managers or other leaders contact staff outside of normal working hours.

Category: Empathy and Urgency

Staff are expected to respond immediately when managers or leaders contact them outside of normal office hours.

Category: Empathy and Urgency

When team members speak to each other, they share positive comments more frequently than they share negative comments.

Category: Financial security

All staff are paid a living wage for their jurisdiction.

“Living wage” is the minimum hourly rate a household needs to earn to cover basic living expenses. Living wages vary from city to city and year to year. You can find the most recent living wage for your area by searching Google.

Category: Financial security

All staff are paid an average (or better) salary for their field.

Wherever you see “staff” in this quiz, the word includes contractors, interns, co-op students, managers, and other members of the team.

Category: Financial security

Your organization has secure funding for all staff positions for the foreseeable future.

Category: Financial security

When staff work extra hours they receive extra pay.

Category: Financial security

Your organization uses a salary scale that is benchmarked against independent data, updated annually, and shared with staff.

“Salary scale” may also be called pay scale, salary range, compensation framework, etc. It consists of at least three things: the category of job, the minimum salary, and the maximum salary. It should also specify a list of factors that justify how much someone earns within the salary range. For example, a salary scale may specify that all entry-level program staff earn between $20 and $25 per hour and that the number of years they have worked in the sector plus their training experience will dictate whether someone gets paid $21, $23, or $24, etc.

Category: Financial security

All raises, bonuses, and benefit increases are decided according to a standardized process. The process is described in writing and shared with all staff.

Category: Effectiveness

The organization’s programs are fully funded.

Category: Effectiveness

There are enough people on the team to do the work.

Category: Effectiveness

Every staff member has a job description with a list of responsibilities, the list of responsibilities is reasonable (i.e,. doable), and the responsibilities are generally related to each other.

Category: Effectiveness

Every member of the team has the skills and knowledge required to perform their work well.

Category: Effectiveness

Every staff member has enough time to complete their assigned work.

Category: Effectiveness

Every staff member has easy access to information they need to perform their work.

Category: Effectiveness

Every staff member has the tools they need to perform their work, and the tools are reasonably current.

Category: Effectiveness

Staff have the ability to delegate or refuse work that cannot be completed within regular working hours.

Category: Effectiveness

Staff help to prioritize their responsibilities and balance their own workload.

Category: Effectiveness

Every project ends with a project review. A summary of lessons learned and recommendations for the future is made available to all staff.

Category: Effectiveness

Lessons learned from one project are incorporated into future projects. Problems or concerns rarely repeat from one project to the next.

Category: Effectiveness

Staff members are only held accountable for outcomes that are related to their assigned responsibilities and individual actions.

Category: Connection and Optimism

The organization’s funders reflect the diversity of the community where it operates and the constituents it supports.

Category: Connection and Optimism

The organization’s leadership reflects the diversity of the community where it operates and the constituents it supports.

leadership can include board members, founders, and senior executives

Category: Connection and Optimism

New hires reflect the diversity of the community where the organization operates and the constituents it supports.

Category: Connection and Optimism

All staff have access to an organizational chart depicting staff roles, titles, and their relationships to each other within the organization.

Category: Connection and Optimism

All staff have equal access to promotion opportunities.

Category: Connection and Optimism

All staff are compensated equally for equal work.

Category: Connection and Optimism

Leaders frequently and clearly describe how work performed by every individual staff member connects to the organization’s mission and individual program goals.

Category: Connection and Optimism

Staff are routinely and equally recognized for their effort and performance.

Category: Connection and Optimism

The organization’s purpose is clearly, consistently, and frequently communicated directly to staff.

Category: Connection and Optimism

Organizational priorities are clear and rarely change.

Category: Connection and Optimism

Managers have enough time to train, support, and direct their teams.

Category: Physical Health

Staff never work on public holidays.

Category: Physical Health

All staff use their minimum vacation days each year.

Category: Physical Health

Staff take breaks during every work day.

Category: Physical Health

Staff work through some or all of their lunch breaks more than once a week.

Category: Physical Health

Staff spend most of their working hours in the same physical position, such as seated at a desk or standing at a counter.

Category: Physical Health

Staff work outdoors on a regular basis, even in bad weather or physically demanding environments.

Category: Physical Health

Staff perform strenuous physical work on a regular basis.

Category: Physical Health

Some or all of the organization’s staff work shift-work schedules.

Category: Physical Health

Staff always have a 48-hour “off” period at least once a week (a complete blackout of all work communications and expectations).

Category: Physical Health

Staff always have a 12-hour “off” period between workdays (a complete blackout of all work communications and expectations).

Category: Physical Health

Staff are expected to work longer than standard full-time hours more than once a month (e.g., more than 40 hours in a week).

Category: Physical Health

When staff work extra hours they take lieu time within two weeks (time off).
