Organizations are made up of people. People (as if you forgot) are human beings. Lovely, wonderful, sentient animals with unique needs and desires and dreams. They are constantly growing and changing.
As the people in your team grow as individuals, so will your work. Nothing stands still. Effective, ethical social impact organizations know this, and they encourage people to grow. They embrace continual learning and change, because that’s where resilience and creativity come from.
The Organizer articles on growth remind us of the ways in which we, as humans, continuously change and strive for positive impact in this world.
Burnout at work and sustainability are finnicky, we train to push, but an important part is learning when to listen | The Organizer #77
To change the world, we need to embrace digital growth. Here’s how.
Amid peak anxiety, finding hope can be hard. But, anxiety means there is uncertainty, and uncertainty means there is hope.
The words of others help us escape, make sense of the world and inspire us. How do you find good free books?
Whether it’s from your boss, your community, or from yourself, you need feedback to learn effectively.
Habit chaining incorporates the new habits you want to start with your existing routine; attach them together to increase your chances of following through.
Sometimes, you need to trim to grow. Personal growth shouldn’t just about adding — it should also be about subtracting.
Embrace learning for your own sake, for your team, for your organization and for your cause.
To grow at work, discover what gives you strength, then practice habits and skills that make you stronger.
Create a training budget that is at least 1% of your organization’s payroll or 1% of your annual salary.
You deserve a career plan. After all, the world needs more people willing to dream, make plans, and be role models.